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HIPAA Compliant Let Solution Resources help you. we will refer you to our partner Virtual Systems and hosting QuickBooks Enterprise with Virtual Syatem, you will be HIPaA QUICKBOOKS HOSTING SOLUTIONS AREN’T ALL THE SAME. So, what options do healthcare companies who are subject to HIPAA compliance have when bringing Quickbooks to the Cloud? Ask these three critical questions before you buy: Has the cloud/hosting provider had their HIPAA audit? — Be sure that the provider has undergone the required yearly data center and infrastructure audits complying with the current HIPAA standards. These audits will help ensure that the provider you choose is dedicated to privacy and is indeed HIPAA Compliant. If they have, they should be able to show you. VIRTUAL SYSTEMS HOSTED QUICKBOOKS IS HIPAA COMPLIANT Their servers are located in highly-protected data centers, secured with monitored alarm systems, card access, and state-of-the-art temperature and humidity controls. We never share network traffic. All client data is transmitted in its own secure virtual network. Their technical product architecture and security protocols are audited annually. And our staff is specially trained to identify and resolve potentially non-compliant issues. But it’s one thing to be compliant… and it’s another thing to prove compliance. Don’t take our word for it, here’s what our 3rd party auditors had to say: The Audit & Assessment finds the overall safety and soundness of the Virtual System’s IT infrastructure to be intact: Executives and management have adopted and implemented adequate policies and procedures; |